A Day in Training with Mohawk Valley Rural Fire District
Mohawk Valley, Oregon
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Fire Chief Dennis Shew helps secure the air to Engineer Nick Townsend's mask before he enters a burn to learn. The Mohawk Valley Rural Fire District had the opportunity to train in the Mobile Fire Training Unit, provided by the Department of Human Safety with live fire and heat. |
Dousing the flames with a straight stream, Engineer Nick Townsend and Captain Dan Wallace do the initial attack during a training simulation. They were on pair of three teams that practiced a simulation of a house fire. Backing up Townsend and Wallace: a secondary attack team, a backup team, an engineer, safety officer and incident commander |
Steve McCain controls the real fire and heat simulations from his control panel in the Mobile Fire Training Unit. McCain is a veteran firefighter with Springfield Fire Department and now helps train other departments as part of the state agency, the Department of Human Safety. This is a great tool for smaller fire districts that can not afford a live fire simulation training building. |
Firefighters retreat from the heat of the training unit after the live basement entry simulation is completed. Firefighters were completely suited up with fire resistant turn outs, gloves, helmets, hoodies and MSA units. They trained in three men teams and had two additional teams ready for back up. This style of training help build skills and teamwork with in this rural, volunteer fire department. |
Hot and tired, firefighter Dmitri Iazikov rest after training in the Mobile Fire Training Unit. He removes his protective equipment to cool down after temperatures reached 350 degrees fahrebhite inside the training session with live flame and heat. Iazikov has been a firefighter with the Mohawk Valley Rural Fire District since 2011. |
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